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Setting Up OAuth Client for FlashPipe

This page describes the steps to set up an OAuth client for use with FlashPipe.

Required Roles and Role-Templates

FlashPipe relies heavily on access to SAP Integration Suite’s public APIs. As such, it requires specific roles/role-templates in order to be able to access those APIs. Following are the tasks and corresponding role-templates that are required.

Area Tasks Role-Templates (Cloud Foundry)
Cloud Integration Create/edit design time artifacts WorkspacePackagesEdit
Cloud Integration Configure artifacts WorkspacePackagesConfigure
Cloud Integration Deploy artifacts to runtime WorkspaceArtifactsDeploy
Cloud Integration Monitor runtime artifacts MonitoringDataRead
Cloud Integration Read content protected by Access Policies (Optional) AccessAllAccessPoliciesArtifacts
API Management Create/edit API Portal artifacts APIPortal.Administrator


In order to set up OAuth clients, the following service plans need to be assigned to the subaccount’s entitlement.

Area Service Plan
Cloud Integration Process Integration Runtime api
API Management API Management, API portal apiportal-apiaccess

NOTE: For Cloud Integration, the default Process Integration Runtime service instance (with Plan = api) created using the guided Booster does not have sufficient permissions required for FlashPipe to operate correctly. Therefore it is necessary to create an additional one following the steps listed below.

(A) Creating an OAuth Client on Cloud Foundry

1. Logon to SAP BTP Cockpit

Access the relevant Cloud Foundry space on SAP BTP Cockpit. BTP

2. Create new service instance

In the space, navigate to the Services > Instances and create a new instance. CreateInstance

3. Enter instance details

Depending on the area, create a new instance based on the following details.

Area Service Plan Instance Name
Cloud Integration Process Integration Runtime api flashpipe-instance
API Management API Management, API portal apiportal-apiaccess apiportal-instance

Click Next. InstanceDetails

4. Enter required roles

i) Cloud Integration

Leave the default grant type to client_credentials. Select the roles listed in the roles table using the dropdown menu.

Click Next. CPIInstanceRoles

ii) API Management

Manually modify the JSON content to include the APIPortal.Administrator role.

Click Next. APIMInstanceRoles

5. Review and create instance

Review the details and click Create. Review

6. Wait for creation to complete


7. Create service key for instance

Once the instance has been create, click *** its line and select Create Service Key. CreateKey

8. Enter name of service key

Enter flashpipe-key as the name of the key. KeyDetails

9. View credentials of service key

Click on the created service key to view the credentials. Copy the following fields that will be needed for configuration with FlashPipe.

i) Cloud Integration

ii) API Management