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Sync from GitHub to Tenant with FlashPipe on GitHub Actions

The page describes the steps to set up FlashPipe on GitHub Actions to sync artifacts from a GitHub repository to a Cloud Integration tenant.

NOTE - The sync command allows 1-to-1 update of multiple artifacts to the tenant, compared to the update artifact command which only updates 1 artifact at a time (but with more configurable options).


An existing GitHub repository already exists with artifact contents already stored in the repository. The steps to create this can be found in Sync designtime artifacts from Tenant to GitHub using GitHub Actions.

In the following example, the repository now contains new content for the other artifact types as highlighted below. Repository Files

1. Create GitHub Actions workflow

In the GitHub repository, go to Actions to create new workflow. New Workflow

Skip the templates and choose set up a workflow yourself.

Provide a suitable name for the workflow file e.g. sync-flashpipe-package-to-remote.yml and replace the default content with the code sample below. Replace the tenant and authentication details accordingly.

NOTE - FlashPipe comes with companion GitHub Action engswee/flashpipe-action that simplifies usage in a workflow. The following actions are used in the workflow:

Sync Workflow

Save and commit the new workflow file.

2. Trigger workflow execution

This workflow has been configured with on: workflow_dispatch event triggering which allows it to be executed manually.

In the GitHub repository, go to Actions, select the workflow and click Run workflow. Execute Workflow

3. View execution results

During or upon completion of the workflow run, the logs can be viewed by clicking on the workflow run. Workflow Logs

As seen from the logs, there are no changes to the integration flow, so it is not updated to the tenant. However, the new contents in the GitHub repository have been synced and these artifacts were created on the tenant.