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Upload/Deploy with FlashPipe on Azure Pipelines

The page describes the steps to set up FlashPipe on Azure Pipelines.

Note: GitHub repository syncing from tenant can also be used in place of steps 1 and 2.

1. Download and extract content of Integration Flow

Download the content of the Integration Flow from the Cloud Integration tenant. Download

Extract the content of the downloaded ZIP file. Content

2. Add content to Git repository

Add the contents to a new or existing Git repository. Git

3. Add pipeline configuration YAML

Add a pipeline configuration YAML file (azure-pipelines.yml) in the root directory of the Git repository.

Template YAML with steps to create/update and deploy one integration artifact

  - <branch_name>

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - group: <variable_group_name>

    - container: flashpipe
      image: engswee/flashpipe:<flashpipe_version>

  - job: build
    container: flashpipe
      # Upload/Update design time artifact
      - bash: flashpipe update artifact
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_HOST: $(dev-host-tmn)
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_USERID: $(dev-user) # When using Basic authentication
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_PASSWORD: $(dev-password) # When using Basic authentication
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_HOST: $(dev-oauth-host) # When using OAuth authentication
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_PATH: <oauth_path> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTID: $(dev-client-id) # When using OAuth authentication
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTSECRET: $(dev-client-secret) # When using OAuth authentication
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_ID: <artifact_id>
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_NAME: <artifact_name>
          FLASHPIPE_PACKAGE_ID: <package_id>
          FLASHPIPE_PACKAGE_NAME: <package_name>
          FLASHPIPE_DIR_ARTIFACT: <artifact_dir>
          FLASHPIPE_FILE_PARAM: <param_file> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_FILE_MANIFEST: <manifest_file> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_DIR_WORK: <working_directory> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_SCRIPT_COLLECTION_MAP: <comma_separated_source/target_pairs> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_TYPE: <artifact_type> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_PACKAGE_FILE: <package_file> # Optional
      # Deploy to runtime
      - bash: flashpipe deploy
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_HOST: $(dev-host-tmn)
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_USERID: $(dev-user) # When using Basic authentication
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_PASSWORD: $(dev-password) # When using Basic authentication
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_HOST: $(dev-oauth-host) # When using OAuth authentication
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_PATH: <oauth_path> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTID: $(dev-client-id) # When using OAuth authentication
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTSECRET: $(dev-client-secret) # When using OAuth authentication
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_IDS: <artifact_ids>
          FLASHPIPE_DELAY_LENGTH: <delay_in_seconds> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_MAX_CHECK_LIMIT: <max_check_limit> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_COMPARE_VERSIONS: <compare_versions> # Optional
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_TYPE: <artifact_type> # Optional


Note: Environment variables are mapped to the script’s execution environment using the env: keyword.

Example (using OAuth authentication for Cloud Foundry)

  - main

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - group: cpi-dev

    - container: flashpipe
      image: engswee/flashpipe:latest

  - job: build
    container: flashpipe
      # Upload/Update design time artifact
      - bash: flashpipe update artifact
        displayName: 'Update/Upload Groovy XML Transformation to design time'
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_HOST: $(dev-host-tmn)
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_HOST: $(dev-oauth-host)
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTID: $(dev-client-id)
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTSECRET: $(dev-client-secret)
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_ID: GroovyXMLTransformation
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_NAME: "Groovy XML Transformation"
          FLASHPIPE_PACKAGE_ID: FlashPipeDemo
          FLASHPIPE_PACKAGE_NAME: "FlashPipe Demo"
          FLASHPIPE_DIR_ARTIFACT: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/FlashPipe Demo/Groovy XML Transformation"
      # Deploy to runtime
      - bash: flashpipe deploy
        displayName: 'Deploy Groovy XML Transformation to runtime'
          FLASHPIPE_TMN_HOST: $(dev-host-tmn)
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_HOST: $(dev-oauth-host)
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTID: $(dev-client-id)
          FLASHPIPE_OAUTH_CLIENTSECRET: $(dev-client-secret)
          FLASHPIPE_ARTIFACT_IDS: GroovyXMLTransformation

For more advanced configuration with multiple artifacts and multiple environments, an example can be found here.

4. Create new project in Azure DevOps


5. Create Variable Group

Variables can be stored securely on Azure Pipelines using a Variable Group. These can then be passed to the pipeline steps as environment variables. For FlashPipe, we will use these to securely store the details to access the Cloud Integration tenant.

Create a new Variable Group under Pipelines > Library. Use the same name as defined in the variables section of the YAML, e.g. cpi-dev Library

Basic Authentication

Add the following three variables in the group.

  1. dev-host-tmn - base URL for tenant management node of Cloud Integration (excluding the https:// prefix)
  2. dev-user - user ID for Cloud Integration
  3. dev-password - password for above user ID Variable Group

OAuth Authentication

Add the following four variables in the group. Refer to OAuth client setup page for details on setting up the OAuth client for usage with FlashPipe.

  1. dev-host-tmn - base URL for tenant management node of Cloud Integration (excluding the https:// prefix)
  2. dev-oauth-host - host name for OAuth authentication server
  3. dev-client-id - OAuth client ID
  4. dev-client-secret - OAuth client secret Variable Group

Note: For the password and client secret (and optionally the user ID), it can be stored securely as a secret instead of plain text by clicking the padlock button on its right.

6. Create new pipeline based on Git repository

Next, move on to create a new pipeline in the Azure DevOps project. Pipeline

Select the Git repository to be used in the pipeline. Select Repo

Since the pipeline YAML file is already created in the repository, it will be loaded. Review it and then select Run to execute the pipeline. Review Run

7. Check pipeline run

Once the run is triggered, you can monitor its execution and job logs.

Note: On the first run of the pipeline, you may be asked to approve access to the Variable Group from the pipeline.

Upon completion of the run, you can review the logs, and also check the artifact (designtime and runtime) in the Cloud Integration tenant. Monitor