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The key components of FlashPipe are

FlashPipe uses the public APIs of the SAP Integration Suite (Cloud Integration & API Management) to automate the Build-To-Deploy cycle. The components are implemented in Go and compiled as Unix executables.


FlashPipe can be used on a CI/CD Platform or using the CLI on a local computer (via Docker). Following are the architectural diagrams displaying the interactions between FlashPipe and other components.

Usage Diagram
CI/CD Platform CI/CD Platform diagram
Local CLI Local CLI diagram


To use FlashPipe, you will need the following

  1. Access to Cloud Integration on an SAP Integration Suite tenant - typically an Integration Developer permissions are required
  2. Access to API Management on an SAP Integration Suite tenant - API access only using OAuth
  3. Access to a CI/CD platform, e.g. Azure Pipelines, GitHub Actions
  4. Git-based repository to host the contents of the SAP Integration Suite artifacts

Technically, it should be possible to use FlashPipe on any CI/CD platform that supports container-based pipeline execution.

Docker image tags

With major release 3.0.0, FlashPipe returns to the simpler approach of having a single tag for each version release. Separate full and lite tags are no longer available. The latest Docker image for FlashPipe is


For a list of all available images tags, check here.

Rolling tags

Starting from version 3.0.0, rolling tag latest is introduced to make it easier to get the latest version. This rolling tag is dynamic and will point to the latest version of the image.

Usage recommendation


FlashPipe supports the following methods of authentication when accessing the SAP Integration Suite APIs.

It is recommended to use OAuth so that the access is not linked to an individual’s credential (which may be revoked or the password might change). For details on setting up an OAuth client for use with FlashPipe, visit the OAuth client setup page.

Usage of CLI

For details on usage of the CLI commands in pipeline steps, visit the Flashpipe CLI page.

Usage examples

Following are different usage examples of FlashPipe on different CI/CD platforms.


For older versions of FlashPipe that are implemented in Java/Groovy, refer to the archive branch of this repository.


The following repository on GitHub provides sample usage of FlashPipe.